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Trust AAE Speakers Bureau for Booking Top Professional Speakers. Find a Keynote Speaker Today.


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Safiya Noble
(6 ratings)

AI & Algorithmic Discrimination Expert; Associate Professor at UCLA; Researcher on Race, Gender, Technology & Design

Dr. Michio Kaku
(4 ratings)

World-Renowned Futurist & Theoretical Physicist

Timnit Gebru

Computer Scientist Working to Increase Diversity & Reduce Racial Bias in AI; Executive Director of the Distributed Artificial Intelligence Research Institute (DAIR)

Ganes Kesari

Entrepreneur, Data Science Thought Leader, Author & TEDx Speaker

Audrey Watters

Journalist Specialized in Education Technology News and Analysis

Steve Nouri

Chief AI Evangelist; Founder of AI4Diversity

Robb Wilson

Author of "Age of Invisible Machines," Wall Street Business Journal Best Seller, Founder, Lead Designer and Chief Technologist behind

Cathy Hackl

Futurist, Author & Globally Recognized Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality & Spatial Computing Thought Leader

Joanna Peña-Bickley
(1 rating)

Founder & CEO of Vibes Ai, Founder & Fellow of A.I. Design Corps Host of "DesignedBy.Show" Podcast

Jon Bergmann

Pioneer of the Flipped Class Movement & Bestselling Author of "Flip Your Classroom"; Member of the TED-Education Advisory Board

Ray Kurzweil
(4 ratings)

Chairman of Kurzweil Technologies, Inventor & Futurist; Author of "How to Create a Mind"

Adam Cheyer
(1 rating)

Top Technology & AI Speaker; Co-Founder & VP of Engineering at Siri & Viv Labs

Chris Wiggins
(1 rating)

Associate Professor of Applied Mathematics at Columbia & Chief Data Scientist at The New York Times

Mitch Resnick

Mitchel Resnick is LEGO Papert Professor of Learning Research, Director of the Okawa Center, and Director of the Lifelong Kindergarten group at the MIT Media Lab.

Vasant Dhar

Artificial Intelligence Researcher & Data Scientist, Professor at the NYU Stern School of Business

Wendell Wallach

Chair Technology & Ethics Research Group at Yale Interdisciplinary Center for Bioethics

Dr. Adolph Brown
(5 ratings)

Educator, Businessman & Author

Katherine McKnight

Award-Winning Author & Expert on Educational Leadership, Literacy and Student Skill Development

Sonya Curry

Educator, Christian Montessori School of Lake Norman; Mother of Stephen and Seth Curry