Peggy Whitson
Director at Axiom Space; NASA's Most Experienced Female Astronaut; Biochemistry Researcher
Boyan Slat
Dutch Inventor & Entrepreneur; CEO & Founder of The Ocean Cleanup; Placed on Time's 100 Most Influential Climate Leaders of 2024; Creator of Megaprojects
Anna Frebel
Associate Professor of Physics at MIT; Author
Scott W. Tinker
Director of the Bureau of Economic Geology; State Geologist of Texas; Geosciences Professor at The University of Texas at Austin
Bruce Bekkar, MD
Women’s Health Physician, Climate Activist, Speaker & Author
Jim Cantore
On-Camera Meteorologist & Co-Host on "AMHQ"
Athena Brensberger
Science Communicator and International Model
Melanie Johnston-Hollitt
Prominent Radio Astronomer, Director of the Murchison Widefield Array Radio Telescope
Avi Loeb
Harvard University Professor of Science
George Smoot
Nobel Prize Winning Astrophysicist & Cosmologist
Paul Sutter
Theoretical Cosmologist, NASA Advisor, U.S. Cultural Ambassador & Author; Host, "How the Universe Works," "Space Out" & "Ask a Spaceman"
Garrett Reisman
NASA Astronaut, SpaceX Director of Space Ops, Professor
Andrés Ruzo
Geothermal Scientist & Amazon Conservationist
Heidi Cullen
Communications Director for Monterrey Bay Aquarium Research Institute; Climate Scientist
Jill Tarter
Astronomer & Bernard M. Oliver Chair for SETI Research at the SETI Institute; Recognized for Work on Extraterrestrial Intelligence
Lisa Kaltenegger
Award-Winning Astrophysicist & Astrobiologist; Director of the Carl Sagan Institute at Cornell
Sian Proctor
Astronaut, Afrofuturism Artist & Geoscience Professor at the Maricopa Community Colleges
Andrew Feustel
Geophysicist & Former NASA Astronaut
Sarah Redmond
Organic Seaweed Farmer & Entrepreneur
Karen Lloyd
Deep Subsurface Microbiologist; Wrigley Chair in Environmental Studies & Professor of Earth Sciences at the University of Southern California