Republican Speakers

Conservative Perspectives: Political Narratives from Today's Top Republican Party Icons

List of Republican Party Speakers

Delve into the principles of conservatism, limited government, and traditional values with these Republican Party keynote speakers; an engaging assembly of political leaders, strategists, and advocates dedicated to advancing the values that define the Republican Party. These speakers bring a unique blend of political acumen and ideological insight, sharing perspectives on conservative principles, economic policy, and national governance. Delve into discussions on party platforms, the role of government, and the challenges and opportunities facing the Republican Party. From elected officials to party strategists, these speakers provide a nuanced perspective on the dynamics of Republican politics and the ongoing efforts to shape the nation's future.

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Dinesh D'Souza

Best-Selling Author, Filmmaker & Conservative Political Commentator

Dan Flynn

Author, Columnist, & Senior Editor of "The American Spectator"

Eric Cantor
(3 ratings)

Vice Chair & Managing Director of Moelis & Company; Former House Majority Leader

Steve Forbes
(1 rating)

Chairman & Editor-in-Chief of Forbes Media; Expert on Global Economy & Monetary Policy

Charlie Kirk

Founder & CEO of Turning Point USA, Best-selling Author, Radio Show Host

Ben Stein
(1 rating)

Political Economist, Commentator, Lawyer, Author & Actor

Adam Sandler

Actor, Comedian, Producer & Musician Known for "Happy Gilmore," "Grown Ups" & "Uncut Gems"; Founder of Happy Madison Productions

Laura Ingraham
(1 rating)

Fox News Political Commentator, Television Host & Journalist; Former Criminal Defense Attorney

Buck Sexton
(1 rating)

Radio Personality and Co-Host of "The Clay Travis & Buck Sexton Show"

Michael Steele

MSNBC Political Analyst & Co-Host of "The Weekend"; Former Lt. Gov. of Maryland & RNC Chairman

Anna Escobedo Cabral
(5 ratings)

Former Treasurer of the United States, Partner at The Cabral Group & Jesse Ball duPont Fund Trustee

Ana Navarro
(2 ratings)

Political Commentator on CNN & Co-Host on ABC’s "The View"

Ben Shapiro
(2 ratings)

Conservative Political Commentator & Radio Talk Show Host

Newt Gingrich
(1 rating)

Former Speaker of the House of Representatives; New York Times Best-Selling Author & Co-Host for "Crossfire"

Katie Pavlich
(2 ratings)

Fox News Contributor, NY Times Bestselling Author, Political Analyst

Tom Fitton

Conservative Activist & President of Judicial Watch

Sean Spicer

Former White House Press Secretary, New York Times Bestselling Author & Consultant

Byron York
(2 ratings)

Chief Political Correspondent for the Washington Examiner, Fox News Contributor & Author of "The Vast Left Wing Conspiracy"

Alan Keyes

Political Theorist, Former U.S. Ambassador, Conservative Commentator