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Ray Kurzweil
(4 ratings)

Chairman of Kurzweil Technologies, Inventor & Futurist; Author of "How to Create a Mind"

Dr. Michio Kaku
(4 ratings)

World-Renowned Futurist & Theoretical Physicist; Author of "The God Equation"

Daniel Altman

Global Economist, Strategy Expert, Sports Analytics Pioneer

Dr. Gregory Stock

Biotech Entrepreneur; Bestselling Author; CEO of Socratic Sciences; Founding Co-Director of Precision Wellness Center at Mt. Sinai Medical School

Spencer Wells

Geneticist, Anthropologist, Author, CEO of Insitome

Daniel Burrus
(10 ratings)

Leading Futurist, Disruptive Innovation Expert & Strategic Advisor

Peter Thiel

Former CEO & Co-founder of PayPal; Entrepreneur and Venture Capitalist

Dean Kamen

Healthcare Technologist; Founder of FIRST for Science & Technology Education Advocacy; President of DEKA Research and Development for Medical Inventions

Aubrey de Grey

Biomedical Gerontologist, Chief Science Officer at SENS, Longevity Researcher

Peter Diamandis
(2 ratings)

Founder & Executive Chairman of the XPRIZE Foundation; Bestselling Author; Named One of The World's 50 Greatest Leaders

Jim Carroll
(7 ratings)

Leading Global Futurist, Trends & Innovation Expert, Artificial Intelligence Speaker, Author

Nicholas Carr

Writer on the Intersection of Technology, Economics & Culture; Author "The Shallows" & "The Glass Cage"

Jamie Metzl

Leading Technology & Healthcare Futurist; Founder & Chair, OneShared.World

Calvin Trillin

Author, The New Yorker Staff Writer, Food Critic

Toby Cosgrove
(1 rating)

Executive Advisor & Former CEO & President at Cleveland Clinic

Jack Andraka

Machine Learning Engineer at Stanford Vision and Learning, Cancer Researcher & National Geographic Emerging Explorer

David Houle

Global Futurist & Strategist, Honorary President and Futurist of the Future Business School of China. Houle won two Emmys, a Peabody award and the Heartland award for "Hank Aaron: Chasing the Dream"

Seth Berkley

Global Health Expert and Epidemiologist; Senior Advisor to Brown University Pandemic Center