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Trust AAE Speakers Bureau for Booking Top Professional Speakers. Find a Keynote Speaker Today.


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Dr. Joel Selanikio
(1 rating)

Award-Winning Physician, Health & Technology Activist, CEO of Magpi & Founding Member of WHO’s Digital Health Roster of Experts

Kathrin Jansen

Head of Vaccine Research & Development at Pfizer; Leading Scientist in COVID-19 Vaccine Effort

Dr. Syra Madad
(2 ratings)

Nationally Recognized Leader in Public Health & Infectious Diseases Epidemiologist

Barney Graham, M.D., Ph.D

Immunologist, Virologist & Deputy Director of the Vaccine Research Center, at the National Institutes of Health

Hamilton Bennett

Senior Director of Vaccine Access & Partnerships at Moderna

Tisha Rowe
(1 rating)

Family Medicine Physician & Entrepreneur

Maddy Dychtwald

Co-Founder & Senior VP of Age Wave, Author & Changing Demographics Trends Expert

Olivia Hallisey

Winner of the 2015 Google Science Fair; Invented a New Way to Test for the Ebola Virus

Dr. Aenor Sawyer

Chief Health Innovation Officer at the Translational Research Institute for Space Health; Director of UCSF Skeletal Health Service

Susan Solomon

Co-Founder and CEO of NYSCF, a Nonprofit Established to Accelerate Cures Through Stem Cell Research

Shelli Brunswick
(1 rating)

CEO & Founder of SB Global; Expert in the Realm of Space Exploration and Innovation

Katie King
(3 ratings)

Published Author & CEO of AI in Business

Shekinah Elmore
(2 ratings)

Oncologist; Dedicated to Pursuing Equity & Empathy in Oncology Care

Dr. Erkeda DeRouen

Triple Board-Certified Physician, Healthcare Innovation Consultant & Host of "The Prospective Doctor" Podcast

Gitanjali Rao
(8 ratings)

Inventor, Futurist & Scientist; Developer of Anti-Cyberbullying Software Kindly; TIME Magazine's 1st Ever "Kid of the Year" in 2020, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency President’s Environmental Youth Award Recipient

Marcella Nunez-Smith

Chair of the COVID-19 Health Equity Task Force; Associate Dean for Health Equity Research & Professor of Internal Medicine at Yale

Jason McLellan

Structural Biologist & Associate Professor in the Department of Molecular Biosciences and Robert A. Welch Chair in Chemistry at The University of Texas at Austin

Amanda McClelland

Senior Vice President of Prevent Epidemics & Resolve to Save Lives at Vital Strategies

Dr. Sylvia Hood Washington
(1 rating)

Chief Environmental Research Scientist at Environmental Health Research Associates, LLC.