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Trust AAE Speakers Bureau for Booking Top Professional Speakers. Find a Keynote Speaker Today.


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Toby Cosgrove
(1 rating)

Executive Advisor & Former CEO & President at Cleveland Clinic

Dr. Jeffrey Bauer
(1 rating)

Health Futurist, Author & Medical Economist

Peter Thiel

Former CEO and Co-founder of PayPal; Technology Entrepreneur, Investor and Philanthropist

Raj Patel
(2 ratings)

Award-Winning Writer, Food Politics Activist, Filmmaker & Academic

Calvin Trillin

Author, Columnist, Humorist & Political Satirist

Jeff Goldsmith

Premier Healthcare Futurist & Trend Forecaster; Founder & President of Health Futures, Inc.

David Cutler

Harvard Professor of Applied Economics & Author

Ray Kurzweil
(4 ratings)

Chairman of Kurzweil Technologies, Inventor & Futurist; Author of "How to Create a Mind"

Aubrey de Grey

Biomedical Gerontologist; Chief Science Officer of SENS Research Foundation; Researcher on Preventing Aging

Joe Flower

Healthcare Futurist, Author & Founding Member of International Health Futures Network

Richard Florida
(1 rating)

Leading Urbanist, Economist & Author of "The Rise of the Creative Class"

Peter Diamandis
(2 ratings)

Founder & Executive Chairman of the XPRIZE Foundation; Author; Named One of The World's 50 Greatest Leaders

Geoff Colvin
(3 ratings)

Senior Editor-at-Large at Fortune & Bestselling Author

Dr. Joel Selanikio
(1 rating)

Award-Winning Physician, Health & Technology Activist, CEO of Magpi & Founding Member of WHO’s Digital Health Roster of Experts

Robert Cialdini
(11 ratings)

New York Times Best-Selling Author; The Foundational Expert in the Science of Influence & Persuasion

Ken Dychtwald

Founder & CEO of Age Wave; Gerontologist & Expert on Aging-Related Issues