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Trust AAE Speakers Bureau for Booking Top Professional Speakers. Find a Keynote Speaker Today.


These leading keynote speakers are top experts in their fields, experienced in delighting audiences on a wide range of topics, including business, diversity, politics, and many more. Find speakers who are right for you and your event based on speaking topic, budget, location, and experience. Our agents are also available to assist by recommending the perfect keynote speaker for your next meeting or conference.
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Faith Jegede Cole

Writer, Researcher & Blogger; Autism Sister/Advocate

Connie Chan

China Expert & General Partner at Andreesseen Horowitz

Dorie Clark
(1 rating)

CEO at Clark Strategic Communications & Author

Soraya Darabi

Renowned Digital Entrepreneur; Social Media Pioneer

Danielle Di-Masi

Multiple Award-Winning Digital Business Expert & Futurist

Audrey Tang
(2 ratings)

Digital Minister of Taiwan; Free Software Programmer

Heather McGowan
(2 ratings)

Author of "The Adaptation Advantage" & Workplace Futurist

Dr. Catherine Ball

Scientific Futurist, Entrepreneur, D&I Advocate, Expert on Ethically Driven Technology

Angela Ceresnie

CEO of Climb Credit, Former COO at Orchard Platform, Fintech Expert & Women in Leadership Advocate

Amanda J. Rose

Professor of Psychological Sciences at the University of Missouri, Expert on the Role of Gender in Development, Relationships & the Workplace

Ali Rayl

Vice President of Customer Experience at Slack

Nicki Palmer

Chief Product Development Officer at Verizon

Nuala O'Connor

President & CEO of the Center for Democracy and Technology

Linda Bernardi

AI Strategist, Technologist, Entrepreneur & Innovator

Kris Boesch

Founder & CEO of Choose People, Author of "Culture Works: How to Create Happiness in the Workplace"