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Trust AAE Speakers Bureau for Booking Top Professional Speakers. Find a Keynote Speaker Today.


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Doug Fine

Bestselling Author & Award-Winning Documentary Film Director; Food Security Advocate, Regenerative Hemp Farmer & Solar-Powered Goat Herder

Bill Nussey

Founder of the Freeing Energy Project; Partner at Tech Square Ventures & Engage

Chris Turner
(1 rating)

Author, Sustainability & Global Cleantech Expert

Kate Brandt

Chief Sustainability Officer at Google & Nation's First Federal Chief Sustainability Officer for the Obama Administration

Martin Keller

Director of National Renewable Energy Laboratory & President of Alliance for Sustainable Energy

Adam James

Co-Founder of Clean Energy Leadership Institute; Authority on Renewable Energy & Public Policy

Chris Castro

Eco-Entrepreneur; Chief of Staff for the Office of State and Community Energy Programs at the U.S. Department of Energy

Monica Araya

Executive Director of the European Climate Foundation

Winnie Byanyima

Executive Director of UNAIDS and an Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations; Former Executive Director, Oxfam International

Matt Rogers
(1 rating)

Partner, Clean Tech Practice McKinsey & Company

Tom Steyer

California Business Leader; Philanthropist and Clean Energy Advocate; Former 2020 Presidential Candidate

Michael Shellenberger
(1 rating)

Founder & President of Environmental Progress; Expert on Energy, Climate, Security, Human Development and Politics

Katharine Hayhoe
(7 ratings)

Atmospheric Scientist, Professor of Political Science & Director of Climate Science Center at Texas Tech, Lead Scientist with The Nature Conservancy

Hal Harvey

CEO, Energy Innovation: Policy and Technology LLC

Pat Wood

CEO of the Hunt Energy Network; Former Chairman of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission