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Trust AAE Speakers Bureau for Booking Top Professional Speakers. Find a Keynote Speaker Today.


These leading keynote speakers are top experts in their fields, experienced in delighting audiences on a wide range of topics, including business, diversity, politics, and many more. Find speakers who are right for you and your event based on speaking topic, budget, location, and experience. Our agents are also available to assist by recommending the perfect keynote speaker for your next meeting or conference.
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Ray Kurzweil
(4 ratings)

Chairman of Kurzweil Technologies, Inventor & Futurist; Author of "How to Create a Mind"

Calvin Trillin

Author, Columnist, Humorist & Political Satirist

Peter Thiel

Former CEO and Co-founder of PayPal; Technology Entrepreneur, Investor and Philanthropist

Virginia Postrel

Author & Columnist; Writes on The Intersection of Commerce & Culture

Peter Rojas

Co-founder of Gizmodo and of Engadget

Aubrey de Grey

Biomedical Gerontologist; Chief Science Officer of SENS Research Foundation; Researcher on Preventing Aging

Sebastian Copeland

Adventurer, Environmental Activist, Award-Winning Photographer, Author, Lecturer & Founder of the Sedna Foundation

Dr. Michio Kaku
(4 ratings)

World-Renowned Futurist & Theoretical Physicist

Van Jones
(6 ratings)

CEO of REFORM Alliance, CNN host, Emmy Award-winning Producer & NY Times Best-Selling Author

Kenneth Roth

Executive Director at Human Rights Watch

Adam Bly

Ex-VP of Data at Spotify; Founder of Seed; Founder of an AI startup, Stealth

John Legend

EGOT Winning Musician, Producer & Philantropist

Esther Dyson

Executive Founder of Way to Wellville

Peter Diamandis
(2 ratings)

Founder & Executive Chairman of the XPRIZE Foundation; Author; Named One of The World's 50 Greatest Leaders

Richard Florida
(1 rating)

Leading Urbanist, Economist & Author of "The Rise of the Creative Class"