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Trust AAE Speakers Bureau for Booking Top Professional Speakers. Find a Keynote Speaker Today.


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Amin Toufani

CEO of T Labs, Creator of, Chair for Finance & Economics at Singularity University

Dr. Michio Kaku
(4 ratings)

World-Renowned Futurist & Theoretical Physicist

Joanna Peña-Bickley
(1 rating)

Founder & CEO of Vibes Ai, Founder & Fellow of A.I. Design Corps Host of "DesignedBy.Show" Podcast

Ray Kurzweil
(4 ratings)

Chairman of Kurzweil Technologies, Inventor & Futurist; Author of "How to Create a Mind"

Adam Cheyer
(1 rating)

Top Technology & AI Speaker; Co-Founder & VP of Engineering at Siri & Viv Labs

Barney Pell

Entrepreneur, Investor & Advisor in AI and Deep Technology Companies

Danny Lange

Vice President of AI and Machine Learning at Unity Technologies, Former Head of Machine Learning at Uber

Mutale Nkonde
(3 ratings)

UN Advisor on AI, CEO of AI for the People & Fellow at Stanford

Beena Ammanath
(1 rating)

Executive Director of Deloitte AI Institute & Founder of Humans For AI

Peter Zelinski
(1 rating)

Co-host of The Cool Parts Show, Manufacturing Expert, 3D Printing Expert, Editor of Additive Manufacturing & Modern Machine Shop Magazines

Cathy Hackl

Futurist, Author & Globally Recognized Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality & Spatial Computing Thought Leader

Alex Salkever
(2 ratings)

Artificial Intelligence & Advanced Technology Futurist; Author of "The Driver in the Driverless Car: How Our Technology Choices Will Create the Future"

Timnit Gebru

Computer Scientist Working to Increase Diversity & Reduce Racial Bias in AI; Executive Director of the Distributed Artificial Intelligence Research Institute (DAIR)

Dr. Roman V. Yampolskiy

Professor of Computer Science, Author, AI Safety & Cybersecurity Researcher

Mariya Yao

Founder of TOPBOTS & Author of "Applied AI: A Handbook For Business Leaders"

Richie Etwaru
(2 ratings)

Chief AI Officer, Serial Artificial Intelligence Inventor, LinkedIn Top Artificial Intelligence Voice, Forbes Technology Council on Artificial Intelligence & Adjunct Professor

Tom Gruber
(3 ratings)

Co-Founder & Chief Technology Officer of LifeScore; Chief AI Strategy Officer at