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Trust AAE Speakers Bureau for Booking Top Professional Speakers. Find a Keynote Speaker Today.


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Dr. Michio Kaku
(4 ratings)

World-Renowned Futurist & Theoretical Physicist

Safiya Noble
(6 ratings)

AI & Algorithmic Discrimination Expert; Associate Professor at UCLA; Researcher on Race, Gender, Technology & Design

Mike Walsh
(2 ratings)

CEO of Tomorrow, Futurist & Best-Selling Author of "The Algorithmic Leader"

Ray Kurzweil
(4 ratings)

Chairman of Kurzweil Technologies, Inventor & Futurist; Author of "How to Create a Mind"

Ayanna Howard
(1 rating)

Pioneering Innovator, Entrepreneur & Inventor of Robotic Technologies & Artificial Intelligence; Dean of the College of Engineering, The Ohio State University

Adam Cheyer
(1 rating)

Top Technology & AI Speaker; Co-Founder & VP of Engineering at Siri & Viv Labs

Ben Pring
(1 rating)

Widely Acknowledged IT Futurist & Thought Leader; Co-Author of "Code Halos"

Vasant Dhar

Artificial Intelligence Researcher & Data Scientist, Professor at the NYU Stern School of Business

Tom Gruber
(3 ratings)

Co-Founder & Chief Technology Officer of LifeScore; Chief AI Strategy Officer at

R "Ray" Wang
(6 ratings)

Founder, Chairman & Principal Analyst at Constellation Research; Author of "Disrupting Digital Business"

Helen Greiner

CEO at Tertill, Co-Founder & Former President of iRobot Corporation

Zack Kass
(10 ratings)

Futurist & Former Head of GTM at OpenAI

Scott Amyx

Technology Futurist & Sustainability Venture Capitalist Backing Social Impact Entrepreneurs; Managing Partner at Astor Perkins

Carol Reiley
(2 ratings)

Serial Entrepreneur, Investor & Active Advocate for Diversity and Bias in AI

Nick Bostrom
(1 rating)

Professor at Oxford University, Director of the Future of Humanity Institute & Strategic Artificial Intelligence Research Center

Dr. Rumman Chowdhury
(2 ratings)

Responsible AI Fellow at Harvard University & Former Director of AI Ethics at Twitter

Asha Saxena

Bestselling Author of "The AI Factor," Keynote Speaker, Founder & CEO of Women Leaders in Data and AI; Professor at Columbia University

Cathy Hackl

Futurist, Author & Globally Recognized Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality & Spatial Computing Thought Leader