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Trust AAE Speakers Bureau for Booking Top Professional Speakers. Find a Keynote Speaker Today.


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Nelly Ben Hayoun-Stépanian

Filmmaker, Director & Experiential Designer; Advisory Council of METI Member & Designer of Experiences at the SETI Institute

Nancy Douyon
(1 rating)

Founder & Chairwoman of Douyon Signature; Former International User Experience Researcher at Uber

Rick Osterloh

Senior Vice President of Hardware at Google

Lori Cheek

Architect; Entrepreneur; Founder & CEO of Cheekd

Mel Lim

Global Technology Storyteller and Brand Strategy Consultant; Expert in User Experience Design

Nadya Direkova

Expert in User Design & Interaction Design; Previously Worked for Airbnb and Google X

Sarah Drasner

Director of Engineering, Core Developer Web at Google; Former Head of Developer Experience at Netlify

James Monsees

Co-Founder and Chief Product Officer of Juul Labs

Paul Jarvis

Corporate Tech Designer & Internet Consultant, Author of "Company of One: Why Staying Small Is the Next Big Thing for Business"

Alexis Hope
(1 rating)

Designer & Researcher at MIT Media Lab, Expert in Creativity, Innovation & the Future of Work

Ian Firth

Former President of The Institution of Structural Engineers

Boyan Slat

Inventor, Entrepreneur & Founder of The Ocean Cleanup