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Trust AAE Speakers Bureau for Booking Top Professional Speakers. Find a Keynote Speaker Today.


These leading keynote speakers are top experts in their fields, experienced in delighting audiences on a wide range of topics, including business, diversity, politics, and many more. Find speakers who are right for you and your event based on speaking topic, budget, location, and experience. Our agents are also available to assist by recommending the perfect keynote speaker for your next meeting or conference.
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Liz Dozier
(6 ratings)

Founder & CEO of Youth Equity Platform Chicago Beyond; Star of CNN's Documentary Series "Chicagoland"

Dr. Sharroky Hollie
(3 ratings)

Executive Director of The Center for Culturally Responsive Teaching & Learning

Gloria Ladson-Billings
(16 ratings)

Former Kellner Family Professor of Urban Education in the Department of Curriculum & Instruction at the University of Wisconsin-Madison

Jaime Casap
(9 ratings)

Former Chief Education Evangelist at Google

Zaretta Hammond
(5 ratings)

Teacher Educator & Author of "Culturally Responsive Teaching and The Brain"

Dena Simmons
(1 rating)

Educator & Founder of LiberatED; Social & Emotional Learning Advocate

Erin Gruwell
(7 ratings)

Founder & Executive Director of the Freedom Writers Foundation; Education Reform Advocate

Sylvia Acevedo
(15 ratings)

Engineer, Rocket Scientist & Technology Leader; Inspirational Speaker; Corporate Director at Qualcomm; Former CEO of Girl Scouts USA

Robyn Jackson
(1 rating)

Founder of Mindsteps Inc.; Expert on Helping Educators Use the Tools They Have to Build Better Schools

Kimberly Bryant
(5 ratings)

Founder & CEO of Ascend Ventures & Black Innovation Lab; Founder of Black Girls CODE

Julianne Malveaux
(2 ratings)

Economist, Author & Political Commentator; President Emerita of Bennett College for Women

Fania Davis
(2 ratings)

Co-founder & Director of Restorative Justice for Oakland Youth

Kristie Kennedy
(2 ratings)

Women's Worth & Wellness Expert, TEDx Audacious Leadership Transformational Speaker

Monica Martinez
(2 ratings)

Education Advocate, Author & Strategist; Speaker on Innovation, Teaching, Learning, and Education Policy

Doug Lemov
(10 ratings)

Managing Director of Uncommon Schools & Author of "Teach Like a Champion"

Y-Vonne Hutchinson

Founder & CEO of ReadySet; Co-Founder of Project Include & Expert on Diversity in the Workplace

Xernona Clayton
(6 ratings)

Civil Rights Leader, Broadcast Executive, Founder, President & CEO of the Trumpet Awards Foundation

Alena Analeigh

Brown STEM Girl Founder; Youngest Person of Color Accepted into Medical School & Youngest NASA Intern