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Trust AAE Speakers Bureau for Booking Top Professional Speakers. Find a Keynote Speaker Today.


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Jim Carroll
(7 ratings)

Leading Global Futurist, Trends & Innovation Expert & Authority on Rapid Business Model Changes

Josh Linkner
(1 rating)

Authority on Innovation & Leadership, Serial Entrepreneur, Venture Capital Investor; NYT Bestselling Author of "The Road to Reinvention"

Simon Sinek

World-Renowned Leadership Expert & Best-Selling Author

Mike Walsh
(2 ratings)

CEO of Tomorrow, Futurist, Authority on Change & Digital Transformation; Best-Selling Author of "The Algorithmic Leader"

Ray Kurzweil
(4 ratings)

Chairman of Kurzweil Technologies, Inventor & Futurist; Author of "How to Create a Mind"

Richard Florida
(1 rating)

Leading Urbanist, Economist & Author of "The Rise of the Creative Class"

Tim Sanders

Bestselling Author, Technology Pioneer, Expert on Collaboration & Relationships

Terry Jones

Digital Disruptor, Author & Venture Capitalist; Best known for Founding and Serving as Founding Chairman of

Jason Silva
(2 ratings)

Emmy-nominated TV Personality; Futurist; Host of National Geographic Channel’s “Brain Games”

Peter Thiel

Former CEO and Co-founder of PayPal; Technology Entrepreneur, Investor and Philanthropist

Seth Mattison
(2 ratings)

Co-Founder & Chief Movement Officer of Luminate Labs, Expert on Workforce Trends and Business Strategy; Author

Erik Qualman
(11 ratings)

Artificial Intelligence & Digital Transformation Expert, Futurist, Bestselling Author

Zack Kass
(11 ratings)

Futurist & Former Head of GTM at OpenAI

Ayesha Khanna
(2 ratings)

Artificial Intelligence Expert; Leading Advisor on Our Intelligent Future; Government Healthcare Consultant; Co-Founder & CEO of Addo

R "Ray" Wang
(6 ratings)

Founder, Chairman & Principal Analyst at Constellation Research; Author of "Disrupting Digital Business"

Jack Shaw
(1 rating)

Corporate Financial Executive; Software Company Executive; Innovation & Change Management Consultant; Author

Peter Rojas

Co-founder of Gizmodo and of Engadget

Aubrey de Grey

Biomedical Gerontologist; Chief Science Officer of SENS Research Foundation; Researcher on Preventing Aging

Nicholas Carr

Writer on the Intersection of Technology, Economics & Culture; Author "The Shallows" & "The Glass Cage"